“Sometimes theater provides an experience where you hold your breath because you don't want the spell to be broken by some misstep or even a cough. Audiences may find themselves breathless for most of the 33 minutes of "Landscaping for Privacy,"... as intellectually engaging as it is physically enthralling, a dance theater piece that manages to be both sublime and confrontational in posing questions about American society.”
- Sam Blackwell, The Southeast Missourian |
Landscaping for Privacy
Inspired by the pro-invasion media coverage prior to the order to invade Iraq, W.S. Burroughs' dystopian writings on the Cold War/Atomic Age/Suburban normality as mediated by idealized families portrayed by television’s “Leave it to Beaver”, “Father Knows Best” and “The Donna Reed Show”. Directed and Choreographed by Paul Zmolek and Joséphine A. Garibaldi |
Southeast Missouri State University 2002
Idaho State University 2010